
My dear friend Aric spent the summer studying in Jordan. He came back with a consuming love for mint and extensive knowledge of Jordanian cuisine. I was lucky enough to spend a Sunday learning just how simple yet delicious middle eastern food is. We spent six hours in aprons dancing to Fairuz, slicing cucumbers, and squeezing lemons in preparation for a feast with friends that evening. Dylan, Matt, Rahael, Catherine and Emily provided dinner party-saving help to create Aric’s three course middle eastern menu:
Arabic Salad
Arabic Salad with mint
Hummus with olive oil and lemon juice
Stuffed Eggplant
Rolled Grape Leaves
Eggplant Stew with Rice
Fried Cauliflower
Peta Bread
Lemonade with Mint

Tea with mint

شهي, šahi (or, as Aric named this pancake stuffed with melted chocolate almond butter, “delicious”)